Thank you, 2021. Hello, 2022.
The Canadian Crafts Federation (CCF/FCMA) is bringing in the New Year with incredible momentum. Take a moment with us to reflect on some of the CCF/FCMA accomplishments of 2021. As we eagerly greet the New Year, we thank you, the Citizens of Craft, for letting us be a part of your Craft community. In 2021, we achieved major goals and projects. From Craft Advocacy to advancing our Digital Strategies Research, we look forward to a stronger 2022.
Looking Back at 2021
In 2021, we solidified our team and remote ways of working. We continued to advocate for the Craft sector and fostered National connections of professionals working in Craft.
Resources for Craft
The Craft Spectrum, CCF/FCMA Position Paper
We furthered our advocacy projects to create rich tools for everyone to use. The Craft Spectrum Position Paper was made for those who are outside of the Craft Sector in mind. Do you ever find yourself explaining why Craft matters? Use our print-at-home Craft Spectrum posters to highlight key areas of Craft, from technology to the economy. In it we talk about the differences between Art and Craft, and what makes Craft unique in Canada.
What is Indigenous Cultural Appropriation?
“What is Indigenous Cultural Appropriation?”, is a brief introduction to cultural appropriation of craft in Canada. We encourage everyone to understand the implications of cultural appropriation of Indigenous artwork and cultural commons to reestablish the significant connection between way of life, creativity, traditions, stories and much more to people and practices that were historically outlawed.
Digital Strategies Research
Throughout the year, we continued to advance our investigation into how the CCF/FCMA can support our membership of Craft Councils and Craft Organizations in digital literacy. This process is to help us build meaningful resources from research and practice. The Digital Strategies Research project continued with the Maker and Consumer Survey and the Dissecting New Realities Virtual Conference. The goal of the Digital Strategies Research Project is to assist, support, and build craft organizations in taking effective steps towards concrete improvements in their digital connectivity.
World Craft Council Canada
Canada took on the leadership role of the World Craft Council North America (WCCNA). We continue to build connections on an international level with volunteers across North America. The WCCNA is one of five regions represented in the World Craft Council International (WCC) organization.
Celebrating Craft
We continued to stay connected with Craft in Canada and delivered a bi-weekly Craft Newsletter. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest Craft News and stay connected online through our social media channels.
Robert Jekyll Award for Leadership in Craft
We celebrated the inaugural Shortlist for the Robert Jekyll Award for Leadership in Craft. Congratulations to Susan Hanrahan, the winner of the prize, for a rich contribution to the Canadian Craft sector, and to Amy Gogarty and Claire Kusy for making the shortlist.
Citizens of Craft
The Citizens of Craft movement continues to grow with the release of the Faces of Craft eBook, featuring over 50 craft artists from across Canada. The Fabrique 1840 Virtual Market was an amazing success with 70 artists reaching a new audience of online shoppers in October.
Throughout the year, we championed our members and affiliate organizations through #MembershipMondays. With the new updates to the Citizens of Craft website, CCF/FCMA members can add digital events.

Looking Forward
The CCF/FCMA team continues to evolve and find our voice to continue to uplift those working in craft. We look forward to continuing our Digital Strategies Research, publishing the 3rd Citizens of Craft Podcast, and continuing to advocate on behalf of craft. Thank you for being a key part of making our organization a success and letting us to be a part of your craft community.