Destination: Ottawa

The CCF/FCMA packed a wide range of activity into a brief visit to our nation’s capital in late March, including advocacy, networking, research, collaboration and even a little celebration. At…

Maurice Savoie

The CCF mourns the passing of Maurice Savoie, who died earlier this month. Savoie was a Montréal based ceramic artist who was known for his technical mastery and innovative approach. …

Sylvie Bélanger

On January 14th the Canadian Fine Craft community lost Montreal based glass artist and sculptress Sylvia Belanger. During her career, Belanger specialized in casted glass pieces. She co-founded the first…

Happy Holidays!

The CCF/FCMA would like to wish you and your family a happy and relaxing holiday. December can be a very busy time for everyone, especially for people who work in…