2022: Our Year in Review

Advocacy, Connection and Transition

2022 was a big year for the Canadian Crafts Federation (CCF/FCMA). We championed advocacy and equity in the craft sector, continued our work with Craft Council and affiliate organizations, and hosted the 2022 Craft Summit in Newfoundland and Labrador. Thank you for helping make our favourite moments in 2022 as we look forward to another exciting year ahead.

Advocacy and Equity in the Craft Sector

The CCF/FCMA advocates for artists, makers and arts administrators representing a spectrum of voices contributing to cultural history and a healthy society. Over the past year, along with our partners, the CCF/FCMA provided a strong voice for craft. 

  • Canadian Artists’ Representation/Le Front des artistes canadiens (CARFAC): Together, we worked with CARFAC to develop a survey to guide the research on a guide for copyright specifically for craft artists.
  • Canadian Arts Coalition: Supported by the Canadian Art Coalition, we attended meetings to present critical information to Canada’s Federal tourism, arts, culture and heritage departments as a guide to strengthening Canada’s economic recovery plan.
  • 2023 Budget Recommendations: We worked with our colleagues within the Visual Arts Alliance to develop pre-budget recommendations for the Federal Minister of Finance to present a united voice on critical issues affecting the visual arts sector. 

2022 Craft Summit

For the first time in 2 years, CCF/FCMA members and affiliates met in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, for the 2022 Craft Summit: Ten Digit Technology, Connecting New Realities. Between the pandemic, staff transitions, and hurricanes, we were eager to plan a successful gathering. We were in great hands with the fantastic groundwork of the Craft Summit co-presenters: the Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador (CCNL) and the Craft Alliance Atlantic Association. From September 28th to October 3rd, the 2022 Craft Summit brought over 63 attendees and 28 presenters across Canada to the beautiful eastern scenery and incredible weather. The goal of the Craft Summit events was to develop and Advance National Connections. The events included touring the Rooms, CCNL 50th Anniversary Exhibition openings, presentation of the CCF/FCMA Digital Transformation Roadmap, a courtyard End of Summer Soiree hosted by the CCNL, the First Light Public Ceremony in recognition of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, the Quidi Vidi Village Artisan Studio Public Craft Day, featuring workshops with QVAS artisans, a keynote presentation on Community Advocacy in the Arts by CARFAC National Executive Director, April Britski, and the panel conversation Crafting Inclusion: Moving from Principles to Practice. It was a joy to reconnect with the craft councils and organization administrators after years of travel restrictions.

Digital Strategies 

The Digital Strategies project was a significant focus this past year. During the 2022 Craft Summit, we discussed ways to create an online platform that could be useful for craft councils in sharing resources for non-profit operations, advocacy and education. The CCF/FCMA is excited about continuing this work as we move into 2023.

2022 Robert Jekyll Award

We celebrated the accomplishments of the Robert Jekyll Award winner in person during the 2022 Craft Summit at the Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador Gallery. Tapestry artist, weaver and dedicated volunteer Barbara Heller was announced as the 2022 Laureate of the Robert Jekyll Award for Leadership in Craft. 

Leadership Transition

In the fall, the CCF/FCMA underwent a leadership transition, with Maegen Black stepping away after 16 years with the organization. Maegen’s leadership left a legacy committed to advocacy, innovation and collaboration. It’s a big hat to fill, and luckily, Jennifer Wicks stepped in as the new Executive Director with vigour and passion. As Jennifer settles into the Executive Director role full-time, we’re excited to continue and evolve the work done by the CCF/FCMA so far.

Looking Ahead

As we look ahead to 2023, we’re motivated by you, the cross-country network of Craft Councils and professionals and advocates. Thank you to the leaders, movers, and shakers who continue to value tangible and intangible benefits of supporting a local economy of handmade, creative goods. The CCF/FCMA is eager to work for craft in the coming year.

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