Save the Date!

The CCF/FCMA invites you to save the date for “Hindsight/Foresight”, our Annual Craft Conference and Symposium.  Set for October 18th – 21st, 2012, in Ottawa, Ontario, events will include: a…

National Volunteer Week

The Canadian Crafts Federation recognizes National Volunteer Week, issuing a huge thank you to all our fabulous volunteers! Each and every person who gives their time, energy and experience makes…

Site Web bilingue – Bilingual Website

English message to follow: La Fédération canadienne des métiers d’art/Canadian Crafts Federation est fière d’annoncer le lancement de son nouveau site Web entièrement bilingue. Les visiteurs francophones et anglophones pourront…

Happy Holidays

Our office will be closed from December 24th, 2011 to January 2nd, 2012. We at the CCF/FCMA know how busy the holiday rush can be for everyone working in the…