Pre-Budget Consultations

On August 5th, the Canadian Crafts Federation submitted three recommendations to the Federal Government’s pre-budget consultation system. Our thanks go out to the Canadian Arts Coalition, who organized cultural community…

Alberta Arts Flood Rebuild

The flooding in southern Alberta has left many artisans with damage to their homes, studios, equipment and offices. Calgary Arts Development will be administrating the funds raised to affected artists…

Flooding in Alberta

As many of you already know, massive flooding across Southern Alberta has caused officials to declare a state of emergency in affected areas. Large portions of downtown Calgary are beneath…

Mark your Calendars!

Mark your calendars! In partnership with our member organization, the Craft Council of British Columbia, the CCF/FCMA is launching our most ambitious Annual Conference to date.  Titled ‘10,000 Hours: Craft…

The Value of Volenteerism

The CCF has crunched the numbers, and is delighted to report the in-kind contributions to our organization in the form of volunteer time, donated services and partner organization support for…

Call for Volunteers

The CCF/FCMA Nominations Committee welcomes expressions of interest for three Executive Committee positions on the Board of Directors: Treasurer, Secretary and 2nd Vice President. All three positions will commence at…