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Arts 308 and You – A Match Made in Advocacy Heaven?

November 27, 2013

Do you ever wish you could have your say in Canada’s level of support for the arts? Do you find yourself wondering if funds will be cut? If programs will…

Team Efforts: Connecting with our Members to Accomplish More

November 13, 2013

The CCF/FCMA is a relatively small organization, but we sure cover a lot of ground. The past two months have seen us cross the country, an ocean, and multiple borders…

It’s That Time of Year Again!

October 2, 2013

From October 18th to the 22nd, 2013, the CCF/FCMA is hosting our annual National Craft Conference, and this time, we’re pumping things up… by 10,000! In honour of the Craft…

Pre-Budget Consultations

August 21, 2013

On August 5th, the Canadian Crafts Federation submitted three recommendations to the Federal Government’s pre-budget consultation system. Our thanks go out to the Canadian Arts Coalition, who organized cultural community…

Congratulations to our New Board Members

August 8, 2013

The Canadian Crafts Federation (CCF) is pleased to announce our new and returning board members, and to thank and say good-bye to our former members. During the CCF’s Annual General…

Canada’s New Minister of Heritage: Shelly Glover

July 24, 2013

In the recent cabinet shuffle by the Conservative government, Canada has a new Minister of Heritage: Shelly Glover, from Winnipeg, Manitoba. She replaces the previous Minster, James Moore, who held…

Alberta Arts Flood Rebuild

July 10, 2013

The flooding in southern Alberta has left many artisans with damage to their homes, studios, equipment and offices. Calgary Arts Development will be administrating the funds raised to affected artists…

Flooding in Alberta

June 26, 2013

As many of you already know, massive flooding across Southern Alberta has caused officials to declare a state of emergency in affected areas. Large portions of downtown Calgary are beneath…