Continuing Support for the CCA

Two weeks ago the Canadian Conference of the Arts announced that after 67 years of service they would be closing their doors. The difficult choice was made in response to funding cuts that were reported a year and a half ago. The CCA developed a two year business model to become financially independent. However, in April the CCA was informed that the government would only be providing six months of limited assistance. The Board of Governors has since come to the conclusion that it is impossible for the CCA to become autonomous in such a short period of time.

Online communities responded by tweeting and posting the news of the CCA’s closure. Prominent media sources covered the story including articles from CBC OttawaCFRAToronto Star,Ottawa CitizenLe Presse CanadienneBernier et cie (CBOF) and the National Post.

The CCF would like to continue to show our support to the CCA by encouraging people to write a letter to their Member of Parliment. A sample letter has been drafted by the ‘Canadian Arts Coalition / Canadienne Des Arts’. To find out who your Member of Parliament is, please clickhere.

A copy of the sample letter from the ‘Canadian Arts Coalition / Canadienne Des Arts‘:


[Your MP’s name]

I believe that the future of our citizens, their towns and cities, and indeed, the nation itself depends on a rich, vibrant and diverse arts and heritage community. The viability of cities greatly depends on their cultural opportunities. Our artists are inventive and generous. But the arts can flourish only when they have adequate, stable, sustained investment.

I ask that you support the following two requests:

1. That the government renew investments in the Canada Funds that it announced in 2009. Of the $120 million or so that the government invests in these programs annually, nearly $80 million (or 2/3 of the total) is coming up for renewal and we believe it is critical that this level of funding be renewed.

2. That the Government of Canada maintain funding levels to the arts through the Canada Council for the Arts at $181 million in fiscal year 2013-2014 and that consideration be given to raising this investment to $300 million per year as circumstances permit.

In Budget 2012, the Government of Canada recognized the role that the arts play in a productive economy by sustaining investment in the arts through the Canada Council for the Arts, and key programs at the Department of Canadian Heritage. We are grateful for this investment.

The arts define us. They give depth and meaning to our lives. Their intrinsic values celebrate our humanity, broaden our horizons, demonstrate our openness.

Stable, adequate federal funding ensures continuity at a time when the arts community, like other drivers of Canada’s economy, continues to face challenges rooted in global economic uncertainty. Increased investment in arts and culture over the long term will lead to greater productivity within the sector, broader access to arts and culture for Canadians, and extended reach into international markets for Canadian cultural products.

It is our contention that our sector can make an even greater contribution to economic recovery and growth with sustained—and, over time—increased strategic investment in Canadian arts and culture.

[Your Name]
[Your address]