Conference Registration Opens Today!

Are you one of the many #citizensofcraft looking to connect with the national craft community? Do you work with or for a craft-based organization, association, or institution? Do you have a passion for craft and the drive to network with the movers and shakers of the craft sector in Canada? If so, then join us in Quebec City this September 24th to the 27th, 2015 for the CCF/FCMA’s 10th Annual Canadian Craft Conference, Igniting Citizenship: Building a Collaborative Craft Community.

Igniting Citizenship is designed to spark conversations, ideas, and connections among artists and individuals with the desire to grow. Featuring panel discussions, special guest speakers, networking sessions and social events planned over three days, this is your chance to learn, connect, and be inspired by the work of like-minded, creative individuals making a difference in contemporary craft. Be exposed to new ideas and programming, learn about what’s to come in the future of Canadian and international craft, and be a part of the evolving discussion about craft practice and projects.

Igniting Citizenship is open to all those interested in contemporary craft practice. Become an affiliate member of the CCF/FCMA and you’ll receive the best price on registration, AND a year-long connection to the Canadian craft sector.

Learn more about the conference and register today!