Move Your Online Marketing Forward

With the changing nature of the online marketplace for craft, your presence on social media is more important than ever to get your craft in front of the right audience. You want to appeal to as many people in your target audience as possible so looking into marketplace development services that offer software solutions, is a positive step forward in getting you there so you feel confident in what you are doing and want to keep going to reach out to people.

The online marketplace can be a tough nut to crack if not handled correctly with the correct guidance. If you are unsure how to tackle this evolving market, or are looking for guidance to up your game, then you could check for related information on the iTonic blog or search the Internet for similar online resources. It is always a good idea to have enough information when a company is opting to grow its customer base and increase the revenue through these modern methods. Business owners could take the help of important brand awareness tools which include surveys, marketing campaigns, public relations, etc. In this regard, agencies such as Qualtrics ( might prove crucial to the growth of the enterprise.

Coming back, the CCF/FCMA is very excited to announce our new and extremely exciting #CraftRealTalk program: a multi-part series designed to help craft artists review, plan, and enact their own digital strategies in social media and online marketing.

This series, developed by the CCF/FCMA staff, with leadership from our Digital Content Developer, Phil Lizotte, will help craft artists no matter where they are in their online marketing journey. The advice shared is relevant for brand new start-ups through to long-term social media users, and is intended to help ramp up what you’re already doing – to make your time online more effective.

Chapter One, focused on identifying your target market, is available today. Follow us at @ccffcma on Instagram to see the first chapter, and follow along with the bi-weekly exercises to boost your followers and reach a broader buying public.