30 Day Requirement

Have you been following the many changes at the Canada Council for the Arts? If not, now is the time, and if so, it is important to note a specific requirement that may affect your ability to apply for funding.

Artists and organizations must open an account and submit a profile on the Canada Council for the Arts’ portal at least 30 days before submitting a first grant application.

No matter your discipline, project, or which program you are applying for, new applicants must create a profile online in order to apply. (Even if you’ve applied for funding in the past, this requirement applies to you.) Once your new profile is created, submitted and accepted by the Canada Council, you will not face this 30 day restriction for future deadlines. The 30 day requirement only applies when a new profile is created.

We want to make sure that the craft community is aware of this restriction! Please spread the news.

Do not delay, make sure you’re prepared for the opportunities ahead. Take the time to review the information on the Canada Council website to see if your projects and activities are a good fit, and create your profile today.